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I LOVE PLANNERS — healthy eating journal

Learn What Types of Journals Are Used For Physical Health

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Learn What Types of Journals Are Used For Physical Health

    Your physical health is more important than just how you look in your skinny jeans. So often people forget that physical health affects overall health. Those who place more importance on their physical health are more likely to have stronger immune systems, less stress, less anxiety, and a better quality of life. Physical activity decreases the production of stress hormones in the body while increasing the production of endorphins.   Paying attention to your physical health allows you to improve your entire life. Not only are you more physically fit, your mind is sharper, your attitude is better,...

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How To Start Meal Plannning with Your Journal

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How To Start Meal Plannning with Your Journal

    It takes serious time management and organization skills to maintain healthy eating these days. The more we know about what which foods are healthy for which people, the more information we have to keep track of when planning meals, buying ingredients, and preparing the final product. It is also a great way to curb your food budget by being more aware of what you need for the meals you set out. Take a breath, and relax. This article is here to help! You are going to learn how to take one convenient Bullet Journal and use it to...

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How to Use a Journal for Weight Loss

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How to Use a Journal for Weight Loss

Have you heard of a food diary? If you haven’t, it’s time to sit down and take a few moments to learn what it is and how it might benefit you and your overall health. You already know journaling is a wonderful way to get to know yourself and to relieve stress. It’s a great form of self-care, and it’s a wonderful way to really learn to control your thoughts and the way you respond to your own life. However, you can also use your journal to help you lose weight, and it’s much easier than you might imagine.

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