Five Ways to Prevent Scope Creep In Project Management

Posts Project Management

When you don't set proper project management procedures, clear communication, or understand a project's expectations thoroughly, scope creep can happen. This is when the scope or details of the project keep expanding or get away from the objectives first set. This can prevent unfinished projects, lead to unorganized work, and use important resources, so it is important to avoid scope creep whenever possible. 


The following are five ways to prevent scope creep in project management: 

Start with a Project Scope Statement 

This statement includes all the information needed to complete the project, including goals, objectives, and the deliverables required to accomplish them. This statement then needs to be approved by everyone responsible for completing it and the one who owns it. Using the project scope statement lessens confusion regarding what needs to be done, including when what, who, and why. 


Stick to the Project Plan 

Even if you don't want to do the work or think it could be better, it is best to stick to the plan you created instead of making too many changes as you go. The plan has already been approved, so there is no reason to change it. In addition, constantly improving or changing the plan as you go through it only takes up needed time and resources. 


Streamline and Simplify Communication Processes

If possible, use one platform or way to communicate with your team and stakeholders. This helps to prevent any miscommunication or missed information. Going back and forth or being confused about where most of the information is will only lead to mistakes. 


Learn How to Prioritize Objectives and Tasks 

Understanding what is required in each task can keep you on track and prevent you from adding in more unnecessary work. Not only that, but the visuals it provides helps you stay focused and clear on what direction to go. Often, scope creep is due to unclear goals or not understanding precisely what it takes to accomplish them. 


Use Tools and Technology to Assist 

Finally, tools such as Monday.Com or Paymo can easily prevent scope creep altogether. Their primary focus is to keep you on the right path and avoid getting off track as much as possible.


Don't let scope creep take over your project and prevent success. Use these tools to be sure you prevent scope creep from taking over your project. It may seem beneficial to keep adding to a project, but ultimately it will allow you to lose sight of the original goal. Leaving your customers, your team, and even you disappointed.






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