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Scheduling Tools that Make Sense for Teams and Individuals

Scheduling & Project Planning

Some people work best with tools that help them laser focus. They love apps and platforms that help them stay productive and on task. Sometimes having an external application for planning, communicating, and scheduling helps everyone.  Here are a variety of tools that can help you schedule yourself or your team for better productivity The Pomodoro method- Not everyone can run a marathon. Thankfully they don’t have to. It’s the same with work schedules. Some people can work for hours without a break and accomplish a lot of work. Others, like sprinters, are great for short bursts but need a...

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Project Planning- Small Tasks Add up to Big Profits

Scheduling & Project Planning

When you first dream of a product or service for your customers it feels exciting! Then the work begins. Planning and creating and getting the product or service to market can easily become overwhelming and start to drag out. That’s why project planning is so important.    Breaking a project down into small tasks helps reduce overwhelm and get you ready to profit from your idea. What seems like a mountain of to-dos can become manageable and easier if you take the time to create small tasks. Here’s how- Step 1. Look at the overall needs of your project. Your...

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Building a Schedule that Works with your Unique Rhythm

Scheduling & Project Planning

It’s no secret that having a schedule helps you with productivity. That being said, a schedule can feel confining and threatening if it goes against your natural and unique rhythm. It doesn’t make sense to adopt a schedule that causes frustration or resistance, especially if you are the boss. Your schedule should help you feel focused and productive without making you feel controlled and micro-managed.    Before diving into how to build a schedule, let’s take a look at what it means to have one. Even the most dependable people who self-regulate need a schedule. A schedule isn’t a task...

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Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly- Project Planning that Works

Scheduling & Project Planning

Having a new idea for your business is exciting. Taking a concept and making it into an actual product or service is a lot like having a baby. There’s a ton of excitement during the planning stages and great anticipation for the new addition to the family…both literal and metaphorical. You wouldn’t consider adding a new member to your family without proper planning. As the due date drew nearer, you’d likely take very specific steps along the way to get ready and make sure everything was in place for the baby’s arrival. It’s the same for your business projects. They...

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Scheduling and Project Planning Saves Time and Makes you Money!

Scheduling & Project Planning

You put a lot of thought into your business- what solutions, goods, and services you want to offer customers and what value you bring to the marketplace. Having a general idea about what you want to offer and actually providing the service or creating the goods are two entirely different things. Taking your ideas from your mind and making them a reality requires planning and putting in the work. Having a solid project plan and scheduling your tasks helps.    Project planning and scheduling your tasks saves time and makes you money. Without them, you wouldn’t have a clear direction...

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