DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Forgotten List Building and Email Marketing Tasks
Forgotten List Building and Email Marketing Tasks
There you have it. We’ve gone through the various aspects, parts, and pieces involved in list building and email marketing. I shared plenty of forgotten tasks for each along with plenty of reasons why it is important to pay attention to said tasks and make them work in your advantage. We started out by taking a look at what forgotten list building and email marketing tasks are, why they are commonly forgotten, and why you can’t afford to make that mistake. In chapter two and three we walked through various tasks for list building and email marketing respectively. If you...
Forgotten Email Marketing Tasks Part 2 - Broad Cast Emails
Forgotten List Building and Email Marketing Tasks
Part Two – Broad Cast Emails Now we’re going to switch gears and focus on your outgoing broadcast messages. Since you’re working on and sending these emails in real time, there’s a little less work to do, but thinking through some things and doing a bit of testing is some time well spent. Review Your Schedule Start by taking a fresh look at your current email marketing schedule. Evaluate what’s working and consider changing it up to take better advantage of your list and your messages. For example, if all you’re doing is sending a monthly email newsletter, consider breaking...
Forgotten Email Marketing Tasks
Forgotten List Building and Email Marketing Tasks
So far we’ve focused a lot on the bits and pieces involved in building your list and finding your readers. It’s time to switch gears and focus on the actual email marketing. There will be a bit of overlap here and there, but I’m sure you’ll find some fresh ideas and new tasks to add to your running list of forgotten email marketing and list building tasks. Part One – Auto Responder Messages Let’s dive right in and start with the first email that goes out to your readers - the welcome email. I briefly mentioned reviewing this earlier as...
Forgotten List Building Tasks
Forgotten List Building and Email Marketing Tasks
Ready to get to work? Let’s start by looking at some list building tasks that you may have forgotten about. Hopefully you haven’t ignored all of these, but I’m sure you’ll find a few things throughout this chapter that could be improved upon. Growing your list on a consistent basis is one of the best things you can do to insure growth. If you want your business to thrive, you need to do something every single week that helps you grow your audience and your subscriber base. I’m sure there’s a lot you’re doing already to send fresh traffic to...
What Are Forgotten List Building And Email Marketing Tasks And Why Do They Matter?
Forgotten List Building and Email Marketing Tasks
List building and email marketing are important parts of our online businesses – or brick and mortar businesses for that matter. They help us stay in touch with our target audience, get to know them better, and of course continue to bring them back to our site or store again and again. Since you’re reading this report, I’m assuming that you already have a list and that you’ve been sending emails to them on an at least somewhat regular basis. Chances are that you set up your list and your first few emails quite a while ago. You’re comfortable with...