Asking for Referrals and Testimonials Builds Relationships and Business

Five Ways to Follow up with Customers After the Sale

When it comes to making a new purchase, customers tend to trust one another far more than they trust you. As a business owner, they expect you to want to sell to them. What they want to know is who else wants to buy from you. In this day and age, testimonials can make or break a business. 

When a customer has a good experience, they are primed and ready to be a marketing asset. Their positive attitude easily influences others who haven’t had a first-hand experience. That’s something other forms of marketing can’t do. 


Your Customers are Brand Ambassadors

Happy customers create more happy customers. When someone has a positive experience and shares it with someone else, it helps others say yes to your business. One well-worded testimonial can create a baseline for what customers believe they will experience with your business and since people generally see what they want to, the outcome is likely to happen. Your customers become brand ambassadors that attract other customers seeking a similar experience. 

Additionally, new customers don’t need a personal referral to make a purchase. Studies show that simply reading a testimonial on your marketing material can help customers make buying decisions based on peer feedback whether they knew the person or not. 


Follow Up with Customers About Their Experience

Asking for referrals and testimonials is an excellent way to follow up with your customer after the sale. This can be done by sending a link to a survey or making direct contact and asking about their experience. Here are some important dos and don’ts to consider when asking for referrals and testimonials-


Do- Ask for referrals: Asking if your customer knows of someone else who might benefit from a contact (or new client discount code) is a bold and powerful move. Chances are they know someone who would benefit from what you have to offer and they may be willing to make an introduction. 


Do- Feel confident asking for specific testimonials: If you are looking for an endorsement in a specific area of your business, don’t be afraid to ask. If you want to highlight that you have excellent customer service, asking for a testimonial to that affect can help you get the endorsement you need to fill a marketing gap. 


Don’t- Be afraid of criticism: Now and then there’s bound to be negative feedback. Welcome it! Negative feedback can alert you to problems you may not have known existed or create ways for you to improve the customer experience. Be sure to address negative feedback and do your best to offset and repair any damage. Also recognize that some customers tend to be negative despite your best efforts. It’s true, sometimes it’s them, not you. 


Don’t- Miss an opportunity to ask: Whether you speak to your customers directly or use your autoresponder or email for follow up, be sure to routinely ask for referrals and testimonials. Offering multiple opportunities to give feedback increases the likelihood your customers will take the time to offer their endorsement. 

Following up with your customers about their experience and asking for a referral or testimonial can be one of the most strategic marketing tools you have. You may have the best sales copy ever written but it can’t take the place of the heartfelt recommendation of an enthusiastic and satisfied customer.






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