Five Ways to Improve Your Direct Messenger Content

Social Messenger Applications

Using social messenger applications and platforms such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to send direct messages to your target audience is a powerful marketing tool. These tools make communication feel more honest and personal to your target audience. However, that relies on how well you create content specifically for direct messenger. 

This type of content is unique compared to other types of copy as it relies on the application you use, your niche, your audience, and their problems or needs. If the results you wanted don’t come to fruition, you need to improve your direct or instant messaging content. 


The following are five ways to improve your direct messenger content to engage your audience better: 

Through Customer Feedback 

A great way to use the automated feature without frustrating your target audience is by submitting surveys after you are finished with the conversation. Not only does this show your audience you value their concerns, but it also provides you with more information on how to improve your copy. Be sure to ask open-ended questions to get as much information as possible but don’t make it too long. Five questions' or less is a great number to start with. 


Become an Application or Platform Expert

Expand your knowledge of the platform or application you are using to send direct messages to your audience. If you are using Facebook Messenger, for example, then become an expert and discover every single way you can use this feature as well as the other platform features to benefit your audience and business. The more you understand how each tool functions, the more successful you will be. 


Focus on The Experience 

Storytelling should be used within your conversation and other copy to hook and invite them to send you a message. Furthermore, adding storytelling techniques during your discussion increases their interest and engagement. 


Build on Curiosity but Be Informative 

Highlight your value and keep their interest by providing value without giving them too much to overwhelm them or disinterest them. The key is to keep them curious to engage and feel valuable while gaining value. 


Be Consistent and Productive with Templates 

Use templates and the same writing process to streamline the content creation process. Templates keep your message and image consistent and ensure a more successful conversation. This way, you have more time to communicate where it matters most. 


As you can see, improving the content you use to be successful with direct messenger marketing will explode your conversions and take you to your goals. You just need a little perspective shift and consistency to get your audience to act.






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