Going Above and Beyond: Unique Places To Turn Content Into Products

Info Products


Don’t start thinking that the only place to look for content ideas is your blog. You really have so many unique places to find ideas that you can turn into information products. Let’s look at a few ideas.

Email Comments & Replies

When you send emails out to your audience ensure that they can easily reply by clicking “reply” to your email. Ask them questions that they’ll want to answer with a reply. Then use the replies as well as the questions as the basis for a new information product. 

Email Content

Any content you’ve created already for email messages can also be used in an information product. Since emails are usually laser targeted on one issue and often designed to send readers back to your website or blog often you can expand on the information more to create longer content that can be used in an information product.

Online Conversations

Anytime you have a conversation with anyone about your niche there is probably good information in there to use in your next information product. When you are online talking to people who are in your audience pay extra attention to information that could lead to knowledge about a problem that can be solved with a content-based information product. 

In Person Conversations

Even in person events and the conversations you have with others, there can be fodder for new information products. Make a practice of taking notes of interesting conversations after the fact so that you can use the information that you learn and gather in your next product. 

Forum Posts

Join forums that consist of your targeted audience. Don’t just read initial posts, read the comments on posts too. Something your audience says within comments can be a great idea for a new information product.

Social Media Posts 

Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn people like to post information. When you find posts about or directed to your target audience read it. You may get an idea for a new product by reading it.

Social Media Comments

When you see social media posts, also look at the comments. The comments, especially if they are comments written by your audience will help inform whether or not you think the social media comment is good information to use to create an information product.

Screen Shots

Don’t forget that content can include other things besides text. You can collect examples for your information products by taking screenshots on websites, social media, and of anything that you want to teach your audience.

Finding content to turn into info products is literally everywhere. Soon you’ll learn that content for information products is easy to develop because your audience is literally asking for the content. When you see them asking, you have no choice but to answer affirmatively. 




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