How to Craft a Brand That Resonates with Your Target Audience

30 Days to Develop Your Brand

As you work on the process of branding, you may be wondering how you can craft a brand image or persona that resonates with your target audience while also looking good. The amazing thing is that time and again, big businesses show that simple is usually best when it comes to branding.  

To be successful with branding, you need to be consistent in your communication across all channels from the storefront office, to your signage, packaging, website, online and offline advertising, content you publish, and including the products and services that you offer. 

Your brand encompasses everything you do from user experience to SEO, Content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and even paid advertising. All these channels can work together if you’re consistent in your branding. 

As you work through the branding process, ask and answer these questions:

Who is Your Target Audience?

When you define your target audience, you want to be very specific about who they are. Your target cannot be “all” of any group. They really do need to be a subset of a group for your marketing to be targeted enough to get attention. 

For example: “Single moms between the ages of 25 and 32 of school-aged kids who homeschool and work from home who want to work as life coaches and earn six figures a year.” 

What is Your Core Message? 

To get to your core message, it might help you to develop a brand mission statement. A mission statement is a way for you to define what reason your business exists in the first place. You can use that core message (or parts of it) within your logo, tag line, voice messages, speeches, eBooks, and so forth. The core message will define everything you do in the future from product creation to marketing. 

For example: “To bring inspiration and motivation to life coaches and mothers who strive to live their convictions while also making bank.” 

Bringing Your Audience & Message Together 

As you can see, your target audience persona along with your core message work together to create a compelling reason for your audience to pay attention to you. It helps you stand out from the competition because the core message informs consistent messaging, quality products or services, and helps spread the message in an innovative way that resonates to the audience at large. 

Example: UPS. Everything about them is about getting your stuff and not about having fun. They are generic in a lot of ways because they want their message to symbolize reliability. Brown boxes, minimal logo, and brown clothing all work together to deliver the utilitarian message of reliability. 

As you can see, the main factor for developing your branding is your customer. It’s always the customer. The great thing is that you choose the customer. You’re the one who picks the ideal audience you want to work with the most. You’re the one who finds out the problems the audience has that you can use your expertise to solve. You’re the one who chooses the audience and the products and services that you want to offer them. It’s up to you to ensure your branding resonates with them by knowing them. 






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