The entire point of a lead magnet is to provide something of value to your ideal audience with the intent of moving them toward purchasing more of your products and services or moving them through your funnel to purchase your most expensive products and services. Naturally, all your products and services offer value to your audience, but the lead magnet is designed to get them into your funnel in a way that is less risky for them giving you the opportunity to build trust.
Start with The End Goal in Mind
For example, if you have a continuity group membership program which is your flagship product or service that you ultimately want everyone to join you should create a lead magnet with that product in mind. You can do the same thing with any product or service that you have. Pick one thing (usually starting at the beginning works) that is easy to solve so that you can create a lead magnet to peak their interest in your group program.
Put Your Audience First
A good lead magnet is laser targeted to the point that no one else is going to want it if they’re not a member of your real audience. When your lead magnet is so targeted you may get fewer sign ups but you’re going to end up with a greater conversion rate to the paid product because only people who really want what you are selling are going to sign up for it.
One Problem and One Solution
Focus on solving one problem for your target audience that helps lead them to purchase your flagship product or program. For example, if you have a specialized diet membership program where you offer support and menu planning along with the option of one-on-one coaching you might want to offer a lead magnet such as a sample 7 day menu plan, or a report about the benefits of hiring a weight loss coach, or a “steps to success” eReport then promote the membership in each case to anyone who signs up.
Shorter is Better
When it comes to lead magnets, you don’t want to give them super long and complicated solutions. Instead, focus in down because shorter, in this case, is much better. You do want to demonstrate quality and value, but you don’t want to overwhelm them so that they feel as if they’re drinking water from a fire hydrant. You want them to be able to use and implement your solutions within a short period of time.
Create a Targeted Follow Up Email Series
Once you get people on your list you’re only part way there. Now you need to inspire them, motivate them, and encourage them to move on to the next level in a way that appeals to them. Each time you create a lead magnet it’s important to create a follow-up series designed just for the people who got the lead magnet and leads them toward the main product you’re trying to promote to your audience.
When you put your focus on providing value and solutions to your target audience you’re going to build your list faster, make more sales, and build a community of fans who want what you have. They want it because you’ve demonstrated value and expertise in a quality way that subtly encourages your audience to move forward so that they can solve their problems.