Instagram Direct Message Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Social Messenger Applications

An average Instagram user sends nearly one hundred to one hundred and fifty direct messages on a daily basis. This means most Instagram users find direct messages as valuable and important as other application functions. This information should highlight just how valuable and essential direct messenger marketing can be on Instagram as a small business owner. 


Here are a few tips to using Instagram direct messages to grow your business and engage your audience: 

Create a Business Profile 

Be sure to fill in every section in order for your target audience to find you. The more your profile is filled in, the more you establish authority and credibility. Incomplete profiles can throw many people off and think they are in the wrong place. Don’t let your target audience run to your competition just because you didn’t completely fill in your information. 


Offer Exclusive and Personalized Discounts

Use direct messages to offer personal discounts or incentives to new or highly active followers. Your audience will get more involved as they learn how much you appreciate them. Feeling appreciated and valued is all it takes to establish a strong long-term connection. 


Use Hashtags, Instagram Stories, and Other Instagram Features

An Instagram direct message is best used in support of other Instagram features. This means if you don’t use Instagram daily, then using Instagram DMs won’t provide very many benefits in the long run. However, posting to your grid and stories on a daily basis is vital to the overall success of this platform or application. 


Always Find Ways to Invite Your Audience to Chat

The best way to get the most out of Instagram direct message marketing is to invite your customers to communicate with you first. This means adding mentions in your stories, buttons on your profile, or within comment sections. 

Responding to comments is by far the most common way to move the public conversation to a private one. Some examples include: “Thank you for your comment, [ xx]. I would love to discuss this further. Please send a direct message if you are interested.” or another option could be “Thank you for your comment. I understand your concerns and sent you a DM. Please reply so I can solve this issue for you.” Simple messages like these can improve customer satisfaction and experience in an instant. 


If the statistics prove anything to be fact, social messenger applications like Instagram are here to stay and will only get better, which is why it is vital to use these tips to your advantage. Instagram direct messages increase your value and fully engage your audience, making them loyal customers of your brand or business.






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