Know Your Target Audience and Tell Them Great Stories

Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

Every successful business has a niche. A niche is the term used to describe the very narrow and deep sliver of the market a business serves. The narrower the market, the more powerfully you can serve them. Knowing who your target audience is can help you home in on their needs and help you market to them specifically. 

Once you’ve identified your target audience you can begin to tell them great stories that resonate and help them make their buying decisions. Here are some fun examples to consider- 

  • Athletic companies sell apparel and equipment to athletes and sports-minded people. Their target audience already loves sports so they aren’t trying to recruit people to become athletic. Their storytelling likely speaks to athletes and includes language, emotion, and imagery that sports-minded people relate to. Telling stories that encourage them to be fit, overcome obstacles, and feel good about sports will influence them. 
  • Meal-prep subscription boxes target health-minded people who do not have a lot of spare time. Their stories focus on the healthy aspects of the foods and meals, while speaking directly to the time savings from not having to go to the store or fix complicated meals to stay healthy. 
  • Insurance companies sell affordable monthly insurance premiums to people who are on fixed budgets. Since insurance is mandatory, most people are motivated by the cost of insurance rather than the coverage. Sharing stories about how much money is saved resonates with their target audience who feels smarter by getting the cheapest coverage possible.  


Developing a target audience can help you serve them well with stories that matter to their unique needs. Creating stories they relate to will help them see themselves benefitting from what you have to offer and make you the natural choice. This works especially well if your competition isn’t doing it because you’ll really stand out. 

You can easily share great stories in multiple areas of your marketing including

  • Emails
  • Flyers and branded content
  • Blog posts
  • Sales pages
  • Public speaking gigs


Each touch point is an opportunity to build rapport with a great story. It could be a funny story about something that happened to you over the weekend or a great story of a time when something relatable happened. Infusing your touch points with personal stories your target audience will resonate with helps them see themselves as part of your business. As above, when an athlete sees themselves wearing specific gear because they identify with the brand, it helps them become loyal to the brand and buy it again and again. 

Knowing your target audience cuts down on your marketing because it narrows your niche down small enough to condense and laser-focus your efforts. Develop a target audience and send them relatable messages through storytelling.






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