How does your schedule look these days? Do you have plenty of time for everything you want and need to do, or are you short on time? Are your days leisurely or hurried? Do you always feel time-starved?
If you’re like most people these days, you feel like you never have enough time to even cover the basics, much less to wipe out your to-do list! Being starved for time seems normal. When you don’t have enough time, things like your mindfulness practice get pushed to the bottom of the list -if they don’t fall off of it entirely.
This is a mistake. Not only is it harder to resume working on your self-development activities when you have more time, but not setting aside time for yourself and your personal development makes you more stressed and less productive in general.
Humans need social time and work time, but they also need time to be themselves and do the things that make them happy. In this respect, you’re no different from any other animal. You can only ignore your needs for so long before it starts to cause you problems.
You can stop this issue from occurring right now. Set aside time in your schedule every week for “you” time. Pencil it into your appointment book if you’re very busy. Make it a standing appointment. It doesn’t matter when it is -9 pm on Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:30 am on Friday mornings, or any other time that seems workable.
Make this time non-negotiable and don’t allow anything to interfere with it other than dire emergencies. Try to work in several blocks of time for yourself every week. They don’t have to be an hour-long each -even 15 minutes or half an hour is better than nothing.
This time can be used for your mindfulness practice and anything else that you like to do for fun, from painting to video gaming to shopping. Read a book. Take a bubble bath. The most important thing is that it’s something you want to do and something you like.
You’re just as important as everything else on your to-do list, and if you fall apart from stress or overwork, nothing else on that list is going to get done either. Make a standing appointment with yourself and keep it religiously. You’ll be surprised how much better your life will get. Your mindfulness practice will improve too!