DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — 7 Practices to Help You Be More Mindful

Accept Yourself

7 Practices to Help You Be More Mindful

If you’re having trouble being mindful and looking for ways to improve, you might want to look at your self-image. Do you accept yourself for who you are? Fully and unconditionally accept yourself?   Before you dismiss the question as nonsense, think about it for a minute. What is the purpose of mindfulness? To be more fully aware of yourself, your thoughts, and your surroundings. The thoughts portion is usually the hardest one. What do your thoughts mainly consist of? Do you know?   Your thoughts are primarily a running internal monologue to yourself about what’s going on around you...

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Use Mindful Meditation Exercises Regularly

7 Practices to Help You Be More Mindful

Mental exercises work just like physical ones do. You create mental “muscles” that help you complete them and do them better as you do them more often. These mental muscles also wither with lack of use just like physical muscles do.   If you want to be more mindful, you need to do mindfulness exercises regularly to keep these mental muscles in shape. Mindful meditation exercises are one of the best kinds you can do for this purpose.  Below are three exercises you can use to keep those mindful muscles “fit.”   How often should you do these exercises? You...

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