The Power of One Message – Make Sure Your Marketing and Branding is Consistent

The Power Of One Challenge

Many marketers get very confused with their branding across social platforms, their website, and even within products. It’s hard for people to tell that they’re getting products from the same person or brand because nothing is consistent. It can be confusing to your ideal audience and even more confusing to your actual customers.


When you are developing your brand, it’s important to know the answers to the following questions and to look at them every time you create anything. Whether it’s a page, a product, or an email message, look at your answers every time to focus your branding.


Who Is Your Ideal Client?

This is the most important question you can ever answer. Create an ideal client avatar and post it where you can easily see it whenever you’re doing anything for your audience. Keep studying your audience so you can stay up-to-date on how things are changing. When it’s time, you can also update your branding.


Understand Your Mission

What is your point for existing? Your mission should be clear to you, clear to anyone who helps you or works with you, and especially clear to your audience. Remember that just because you’ve already created something doesn’t mean you cannot adjust and tweak it to make it work better as you learn more and get clearer about your point of existing.


Create Processes & Systems

Develop templates and guidelines that will help you keep things consistent - whether you’re doing the work or someone you just hired is doing the work. This also makes everything so much easier. If you hire a writer, for example, giving them a template already created in Word that they can duplicate and use to create your content will make everything move faster and look more consistent than having someone totally formatting everything from scratch later.


Be Authentic

It’s easy to maintain your branding visually throughout your products and services (websites, packaging, images, and so forth) as well as your voice if you really know who you are. So, don’t try to fake it. Be who you are, while also understanding who your audience is, so that your branding and image come across as truly authentic and you. People appreciate that consistency. 


You can’t be true to your branding and voice across challenges if you don’t know who you are or who your audience is. Take the time to get to know them and your entire point of existing from their point of view as well as yours. Narrow everything down to one message that is clearly transmitted through everything you do - from a book cover to the content of the book. Your audience should be able to detect that it’s you or think of you, without ever seeing your name.




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