Podcasting is a form of media and entertainment designed for download or streaming on a computer or other device. Podcasting is one of the fastest growing mediums for news and entertainment and is becoming more and more popular. The benefits of podcasts include:
- Free access to unlimited shows on various topics
- Evergreen content that doesn’t expire
- Access to an unlimited audience
- Low cost content creation
Podcasters create fresh and dynamic content that they release to their listeners and subscribers regularly. Many podcasts are interview format and hosts are open to collaboration with people in and out of the podcasting industry. This makes podcasting an important opportunity to grow traffic and reach.
Let’s look at how podcasting can grow your reach and your traffic:
Being a podcast guest increases your exposure- The popularity of podcasting surpasses many other mediums. Podcasts have world-wide audiences and being a guest makes it possible to make an impact for very little investment. It far exceeds the reach of paid advertising and target marketing in many cases.
You can hone your message to a specific market- Finding a podcast that targets your audience is a key to increased traffic. Additionally, you can expand your reach by being a guest on a podcast related to your audience. For example, a coach who has written a book could be a guest on a book publishing podcast and find new clients even though they are speaking about book publishing, not coaching. The cross marketing is unlimited.
Being a guest expert builds credibility- Being a guest expert on a podcast increases your notoriety and helps your brand. Being able to land a spot on a high-ranking podcast can increase your exposure. Bringing high value to the show can drive traffic instantly to your website and get you noticed by other podcasters.
Evergreen content and links continue to drive traffic- Podcasts have “show notes” that highlight important facts about the guest and links to social media, websites, and special offers. Since podcasts don’t expire, traffic can continue to flow long after the episode has aired. Typically, podcast subscribers are consumers of all episodes of a show rather than just the most recently recorded. Your links will drive traffic back to your site and your offers, no matter how long ago you were a guest.
Podcasts use SEO- A simple search in iTunes or Stitcher produces all the shows that a guest has been on. The more you network and guest interview, the higher your exposure. People who find your message compelling can find you through a simple search and get more of what you offer.
Podcasting is a dynamic way to get your message and your brand the exposure it needs to grow traffic and reach. Being a guest has tremendous benefit for the podcast host and their listeners. Consider collaborating with podcast hosts as a great way to spread the word about what you do.