Approach Fellow Marketers in Your Niche About Affiliate Cross Promotions

Boost Your Affiliate Program Challenge

If you’re new to the idea of having affiliates marketing your products and services, it can take some time to build up your affiliate army. However, there is a fast way to do it that you may not have thought of. Consider approaching fellow marketers in your niche about affiliate cross-promotion opportunities. There are many reasons you want to do this. 

Since they already sell to the same audience, understand affiliate marketing, and have their own list, it’s a faster way to start making money with affiliate marketing. Just be honest about where you stand in terms of your list size and products from day one and many affiliates will be happy to work with you to cross-promote.

They Sell to Your Niche

One thing to realize is that everyone who sells to your niche is not competition. Even two business coaches don’t do things the same and can help a person slightly differently who are in the same field. If someone sells to your niche, they are probably a good candidate to promote your products and services. 

They Understand Affiliate Marketing

You won’t have to teach them because they already have their own program and know exactly why you’d want them to promote your products. They’re going to check you out as much as you do them because they want a reciprocal relationship. When you approach them, be prepared to show them what you have and what you do.

They Already Have a List

Since they already have a list, you won’t have to wait for them to build their list before you start seeing sales happening. More than likely, if they’ve been building their program for a while, it’s well oiled, and you’ll know fast if your launch is going to be a success or not.

You Can Learn from Them

You can learn a lot from someone who already has an affiliate program in place who markets to your audience. Learning about the words they use, how they describe things to their audience, and the content they distribute will help you do better. Always ask them for suggestions so that they know you’re open to making changes for them. 

Agree to Help Each Other

When you start working with other affiliates, agree to help each other with list building, webinars, and other joint promotions. For example, you can get together with a bunch of people who market different products to the same audience to run a fun weekend sale or special bundle sale that will get a lot of traction. 

One thing to remember about working with affiliates who sell to your audience. You want to work with people who sell complementary products and or services to your audience. Each person you work with at this level should work with your audience - but work with them in a different enough way so that there is no confusion with your audience about what you promote to them and what you don’t. 




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