Apps, Products, and Tools that Boost Productivity

Productivity Hacks for Working Smarter

It’s amazing how some people have an internal ability to stay focused and reach their productivity goals while others are consistently sidelined by distractions. For the people who can’t seem to stay on task, using a tool is helpful. Thankfully, there apps and products that can help. 


Boost productivity for free-

There are plenty of free apps and tools that boost your productivity without adding costs to your budget. You likely have access to them already. 


Google Docs- If you have a Google account you have access to a great tool for collaborating with others. Google docs can allow multiple people to access and work on documents in real time without having to save and send the document back and forth. 

Google docs and other tools are often easily integrated with your smartphone so you can get easy access to documents, photos, emails, and other products with ease. 


Notes and reminders- Most smartphones come with a notes app that makes it easy to create a to-do list or create reminder for something important. Reminders can be set to repeat and many times you can voice record them while you’re on the go.  


Product-related apps- Many of the products you use for business offer apps that integrate and streamline tasks. Companies like Quickbooks offers free apps to accompany their products so you can easily upload receipts or do minor bookkeeping tasks on the go.  


Boost productivity for pennies

Time can be money and many apps and tools create time for your investment and help you work smarter rather than harder. 


Project management software- There are a range of project management products out there. From Hive, Trello, Asana, and Basecamp there’s a management system that may be right for you. These apps and desktop services streamline communication and productivity making it easier to get things done. 


Done-for-you services- One of the best tools for boosting productivity is knowing when it’s best to get some help. When your plate is too full, it’s a good time to delegate. Sometimes it’s cheaper to pay someone to do something so you have the time and energy to focus elsewhere. Hiring done-for-you services makes sense if it boosts your productivity. Having a lawn service may make it possible for you to work in or on your business. Meals delivered to your home can reduce the time you need to spend shopping. Having a virtual assistant can make it easier to complete projects faster. 


Finding resources that boost your productivity can help you work smarter and reach your goals. Ask your friends, family, and colleagues what they use to help them stay productive and explore if any feel right for you.






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