Three Life Skills that Affect Productivity

Productivity Hacks for Working Smarter

Life skills help us manage everyday life in effective ways. High-quality life skills transfer to every aspect of life: home, business, relationships and more. Essentially, how you do anything is how you do everything. Having great life skills easily translates to having great work skills too. Here are three life skills that affect productivity.

  1. Having a Health-Conscious Attitude
  2. Developing Resiliency
  3. Mastering Time Management 


Life Skill #1. Having a Health-Conscious Attitude: It takes discipline to take better care of our bodies. Minding our health is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle on and off duty. People who care for their bodies by choosing healthy foods, meaningful exercise, and managing their mental health tend to see results in every area of life. While you don’t have to be an expert in nutrition, fitness, or psychology, taking the best care possible of your mind and body gives you an upper hand on being productive. That’s because the same decision-making processes that help you achieve a healthy mind and body translate to being productive. 

When you choose to eat a healthy food instead of a decadent one, you master self-control. This translates to making the choice to do an unsavory work activity rather than procrastinate. The logic and decision-making come from the same place. 


Life Skill #2. Developing Resiliency: Resilience is essential for productivity. One of the main reasons people fail to be productive is procrastination. This comes from being fearful of or resistant to a task. Failure is part of success. Everyone fails. Learning to get back up and try again builds resiliency. Whether you blow a big deal or miss a deadline, becoming resilient and trying again helps you be productive rather than avoidant. 

When you fail in any area of life, there’s an opportunity to learn and grow or shrink and suffer. Choosing to grow brings wisdom and the resiliency to keep going when times get tough. 


Life Skill #3. Mastering Time Management: When you’re a kid, if you miss the bus you may not get to school. If you miscalculate traffic you may not be on time to an important event. Learning to gauge time matters. Additionally, learning to focus your energy and make the most of the time you have means you’ll benefit when your tasks are complete. Mastering time management makes one of the largest impacts on productivity. Having the discipline to get things done on time or even early can help you thrive where others are trying to survive. 

When you master your time, you run your life rather than the clock running your life. Using your time wisely makes a big impact on how much freedom from stress you have and can earn the respect of those around you. 

Being more productive isn’t just about developing better work-related skills. You can easily become more productive at work by focusing on life skills that cover every area of life.






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