Being a podcast guest in and of itself is really cool. Schmoozing with men and women who broadcast their content to the entire world is pretty amazing. Being a guest is an honor and a pleasure. But, what if there was more…
Collaborating with podcasters can increase your traffic exponentially. Here’s some ideas how:
Idea #1. Create a special offer only for the host’s listeners- Collaborate with your host to offer an affiliate sale or link back to an offer exclusive to their listeners. Podcast episodes are evergreen, meaning they never expire. Keep your links live, and your host will advertise your episode on a loop, continuing to drive traffic to your offer. Each time they benefit from a sale, they will be motivated to promote you more.
Idea #2. Offer a workshop or 30-day challenge co-hosted with the podcast host- If you are willing to do the work, most podcast hosts are more than happy to participate in activities that engage their tribe. Consider co-hosting a workshop or challenge that offers value to the podcast host’s tribe and they will enjoy supporting you.
Idea #3. Interview the host for their show- A clever and fun tactic for a podcast host is to be interviewed on their show by a guest. The host is always behind the mic asking the questions. Their tribes are starving to know their host more intimately. By offering to interview the host, you are showcasing your skills as a host and acting in service to the podcast host. It is a fun and unique way to endear yourself to the host and their audience.
Idea #4. Invite the host to your tribe- If you’ve had a successful interview, consider inviting the host to make an impact on your tribe. Whether you host them for a webinar, a workshop, or for some other reason, finding a way to showcase the host can drive traffic to you when they promote being a part of your action.
Podcasting is a gateway to other forms of collaboration. Get creative with ways you can collaborate and expand on the relationships built from podcasting. You will be surprised how easy it is to offer great content for a podcast and develop reciprocating opportunities to increase traffic and make sales.