Telegram messenger is a social messenger application with just over five hundred million monthly active users around the world but mainly from Asia, which makes Telegram a unique social messenger application to try if you don’t care for its competitors: Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat. While not as popular, it is growing and estimated to reach roughly one billion users by 2022 due to its unique features.
Here are four ways to use Telegram to improve audience engagement and interaction:
Telegram Groups
Telegram groups are similar to groups found on other social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. The difference lies in the format as Telegram groups are within the chat. Groups can have up to 200,000 members, and all group members can see who a part of the group is. Meaning you can create groups for your customers to communicate with. This is a great option for those who run health coaching services or similar services and don't enjoy the Facebook group atmosphere.
Telegram Channels
Telegram Channels are similar to groups but can have unlimited subscribers. Unlike groups, you can track who reads or views messages and control what information new or old members receive. In addition, subscribers can send silent messages to other members within channels without sending a full broadcasted message. Channels are useful to market a similar message to as many people as possible.
Telegram Bots
One of the most impressive features that Telegram provides is its different bots. The most popular being @botFather. This bot helps you create custom bots that you control to improve the customer experience. Bots can accept payments, design custom tools such as weather alerts, build games, or just about anything else your customers need. With @botfather, you don’t need to code it yourself.
Telegram Polls
This feature lets you create custom polls with multiple answers to create interactive content for your target audience. Not only that, but these questions also help you learn more about your customers. Most people can’t resist a good quiz or poll on the internet. Incorporate your value, products, and services while allowing your customers to understand themselves more to make polls more fun and rewarding to participate in.
As you can see, Telegram groups, channels, bots, and business messaging make this application a unique option to add to your social messaging marketing campaign. These features are designed to easily and securely communicate with your target audience on several devices, including smartphones, laptops, and personal computers -- further increasing your availability, credibility, and value as a business.