It All Starts With Your Ideal Customer

Lead Magnet Challenge

When you think about the point of creating the lead magnet from your perspective and your audience’s perspective together it makes it easier to create the right lead magnet. Your point is to build your list of targeted members who want what you have to offer, and their point is to find solutions to their problems from trustworthy sources. 

No matter which perspective yours or your audience’s it all starts with knowing who your ideal customer is. Ultimately, your ideal customer needs what you’re selling. They already want it and you don’t even have to convince them that they want it. You know the audience well enough to know what they need, and you put it in front of them and since you’ve built trust with them, they buy from you. To get to know your ideal customer you need to ask the right questions.

  • Where Do Your Customers Hang Out? – Knowing where they like to hang out whether online or in person helps you know where to focus your advertising dollars and energy when you’re trying to build your list.
  • From Whom Do They Get Their Information? – Knowing where your audience gets their information now is going to help you understand what type of information is best for you to create too. You can study your competition to get this information. 
  • What Keeps Them Up at Night? – Your audience has problems that they worry about, that they stress about, that they need solutions for. You should be able to write down at least three to five problems that you can provide solutions for based on the niche you want to serve. 
  • What Are Their Goals? – Knowing your ideal customer’s goals in life and in terms of your specialty will help you create messaging and solutions for them that they will easily accept and want.
  • What Are Their Priorities? – Everyone has certain priorities in life even if they have a problem that problem might be far down on their list or it might be top of the list. It depends on your audience and the types of solutions you offer to them. 
  • What Are Their Values? – Knowing their personal values can help you tremendously with the way you communicate with them. It’ll help you know which words to use, how to phrase things, and how to communicate with them better. 
  • What Do Brands (besides yours) They Use? – Understanding the brands that they use will also help you tremendously with knowing how to best communicate with them and relate to them on a personal level. 
  • How Do They Like to Communicate? – Some people like email, social media, help desks, phones and so forth. Some like all. Some like to get beautifully designed email newsletters, and some prefer text-based. 
  • What Words & Phrases Do They Use Regularly? – This knowledge can help you design better emails, better sales pages, and better lead magnets too. Knowing these phrases can be the start of your keyword research too.
  • Can You Describe a Day in The Life of Your Ideal Customer? – What does your ideal customer do from the moment they get up until they go to bed at night. It helps tremendously with developing products, services, and messages to your audience. 
  • How Much Disposable Money Do They Have? – This is a huge question because it’s so important that you know what they can afford, whether they can transfer some of their daily expenditures to your products and services or not and how to price better. 
  • What Gives Your Audience Happiness? – This question lets you know what really makes your audience feel joy, happiness, and safety. In some ways, you’re really looking for ways that you can make your audience feel contentment which for most people is also happiness. 

To develop a good lead magnet with a solid offer, you must know who you’re talking to. Just focusing on who’s interested in your content isn’t enough. They must be interested in what you sell too. When you answer all these questions you’ll be able to design (and find) products and services that are just what your ideal customer thought of before you offered it.






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