One Affiliate Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

The Power Of One Challenge

An affiliate is someone who works to promote and sell your products and services to their audience on your behalf. They earn a percentage of sales once the refund date has passed. They’re really a salesperson who makes a commission. They often work with other companies and not just yours. They’re a very powerful way to duplicate yourself. But, you need to nurture that relationship, too. Choose your affiliates wisely, because just one affiliate can take your business to the next level.


Because this can be so powerful for your business, it’s imperative to attract just the right affiliate. One way to do this is to create a new audience for your business that is affiliate-focused. In other words, create an avatar for your ideal affiliate, and then work to market your affiliate program for your business to this ideal affiliate. Let’s look closer at this idea.


Create an Ideal Affiliate Avatar 

You need to know who the ideal affiliate is so that you can attract them. Just like you created one for your audience to create the ideal products for them. Once you know exactly who your affiliate is, then you can start finding them. 


Actively Recruit Affiliates

Go to where your ideal affiliate hangs out, and - following the rules of that group - ensure that they find out about your product. If you identify an individual affiliate you really want to work with, send them information about your product and why you believe it’s ideal for their audience. Offer to give them the product to review, and ask them what they need to want to promote your product. 


Develop Marketing Collateral & Tools for Your Ideal Affiliate

Once you know who your ideal affiliate is, you can begin to create the right creatives and tools for them to use to promote your products. They’ll appreciate that you put some thought into it and realize that you are right for them. 


Create Product Education & Training Materials for Your Ideal Affiliate

Even a good affiliate will need to get information about your product. They may or may not try to use your product, so it’s good to provide them with the major points of benefit your product will offer their audience. Video demonstration is a great idea so that you can explain quickly how your product is good for their audience.


Nurture Your Relationships with Potential Affiliates

When you locate your ideal affiliate, work on building a relationship with them. Go to their events, join their lists, follow them on social media. Get to know them. Let them get to know you by publishing amazing content and being present on social media. If your product becomes popular they may come knocking on their own - if they’re aware of you.


Listen to Your Affiliates

Once you get affiliates, ensure that you create a special place to talk to them such as via email, social groups on Facebook, and special webinars just for them for each new product. For super affiliates, you’ll need a more one-on-one approach with these same assets made just for them.


Remember, one amazing affiliate can sell thousands of dollars of your product. It pays to develop a good affiliate program that takes that into consideration. But, you’ll want to go further than good – you’ll want to develop an affiliate program that can adapt to individual affiliates on a one-to-one basis.





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