What Is Leadership EQ Anyway, and Why Does It Matter?

Raising your Business Leadership EQ

EQ, or emotional quotient, refers to emotional intelligence. Our EQ relates to our ability to understand our own emotions and manage them well while directing a team. In leadership, being emotionally stable and level-headed is an asset. People relying on high-quality leadership deserve to be led by people who have a high EQ. 


This means, the higher the EQ the more effective the leader. Like IQ, or Intelligence quotient, there is a standard level that people have automatically, but EQ can also be raised when there’s conscientious effort. In a sense, while you can make yourself smarter, you can also make yourself more emotionally stable with time and effort.  


Why does EQ matter? 


Being a great leader has a lot of benefits. Some direct, while others are more indirect. Here are a few benefits that leaders with high EQ bring to the table:


  • They are easier to work with
  • They reduce employee turnover
  • They make great decisions
  • They lead well in a variety of situations


People like working for leaders with high EQ- It may go without saying but people tend to work well with people who have their act together. Leaders with high EQ carry less personal baggage and don’t bring bad personal habits to work. They tend to have less ego-driven conflict and resolve conflict easily. 


People want to stay working for good leaders- Many great employees leave their jobs because they clash with emotionally low-functioning leaders. It costs a lot to recruit and train high-quality employees and it’s a shame to lose them because their manager isn’t emotionally stable.  


High EQ leaders make better decisions- Good leaders tend to make fewer mistakes and have a solid process for making better decisions. They generally don’t put organizations at risk and know when to consult leadership before making vital decisions. 


High EQ leaders adapt well- Being able to lead well in a variety of situations is important. Not every day is going to be easy. Having a higher EQ makes leaders less likely to be inconsistent in differing situations. Good leadership skills span across multiple types of scenarios. 


Leadership EQ is an important factor for well-rounded and valuable management. Having people in key positions who are emotionally stable and have the skills to motivate others can increase productivity, reduce employee turnover, and help businesses thrive.






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