What to Charge for Blog Sponsorship

Basics of Blog Sponsorship

Setting your advertising and sponsored posts rates can be one of the most confusing aspects of blogging. For many, the process elicits a great deal of anxiety and self-doubt, as well. This can be true for brand new bloggers and experienced pros alike. Determining a set rate for your work is intimidating. You don’t want to charge too little and sell yourself short. On the other hand, going with a price structure that may seem too high can portray you as unrealistic and take you out of the market for some advertisers. Chances are you probably don’t even know where to begin when it comes to charging a fair rate. The following advice will provide you with a starting point on what to charge for blog sponsorship. 


It’s Up to You


First and foremost, understand that the ultimate decision on rates is up to you. While doing some research and consulting with trusted blogging friends can narrow things down a bit, you want to focus on creating a price list that feels satisfying to you. Offering rates that you don’t feel good about can lead cast a negative shroud around your future blogging ventures. No one wants to feel devalued in their work, and you certainly don’t want to be the one to impose such limitations on yourself. 


Focus on Value


Once you are in the mindset of coming up with sponsorship charges that reflect your worth, sit down and brainstorm all that you have to offer. You have to be prepared to skillfully sell yourself to potential advertisers. These professionals will expect to receive genuine value for their dollar, and it’s your job to show them all the ways you can deliver. Even new bloggers have unique offerings. Decide what yours are and be ready to share them with confidence. Consider aspects such as the engagement level of your readership (even if the number is currently small), your expertise, the size of your social media following or your stellar writing and design abilities. A strong list of positives can go far to instill confidence of potential sponsors in your worth. 


Do Your Research


Research what others are charging in order to get a feel for what the market can bear. That’s not to say you must charge similarly to another blogger or what a particular formula lays out as your rate, but the results of your research can help you to feel more confident in what to charge for sponsorship on your own blog. Start with a Google search for terms like “blog sponsorship rates” or “what to charge blog advertisers.” You can also visit blogs you’re familiar with that has similar monthly views to your own. Sometimes bloggers will list their advertising rates. Read articles, take notes and crunch numbers within suggested formulas in order to determine a possible fee range. 


You Can Always Adjust


The important thing is to come up with a structure that feels good to you based on research and your unique offerings. Once you’ve set your list, start using it. That’s the only way to discover whether you’re on the right track. If you get an abundance of advertisers who decline sponsorship, you may need to reconsider and step your rates down a bit. It’s also possible to add on a freebie or put together a creative package of services to offer. Sponsors often respond well to package deals or something that has been set up just for them. Always reassess your rates on a regular basis. You’ll definitely want to consider raising your rates when your audience begins to grow, you’ve got a few successful campaigns under your belt or your professional accomplishments have risen. 


Deciding what to charge for blog sponsorship doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing experience. It can be an empowering way to work toward reaching your blogging goals and becoming the professional you’ve set out to be. 






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