This is a strategy that works for many affiliates and product creators to boost sales, please their affiliates, and excite customers. To make this strategy work, build in deadlines to a launch that includes things like a contest launch, more significant commissions that go down after a certain amount of time, and bonuses for the different milestone that you spell out. Anytime you enact the feeling of losing out or scarcity, you can boost engagement and make more sales. You can do this for affiliates and your customers. Let’s look at ideas to incorporate this into your promotions.
You can do this with every launch or just some launches - it’s up to you. However, starting each launch with this process is going to ensure you make more sales and boost engagement. Let’s get started.
Step One
Before launch date, create buzz with your affiliates by giving them the information about the launch happening soon. The information you may provide them includes commissions structure, dates of each price change and commission change, and when the contest starts and ends.
Step Two
Start giving them the promotional tools to get together for their campaign in advance after you’ve announced the new launch, the contest, and the temporarily high commission rate. One example that you might choose to do is if your launch is to promote a membership, you agree that first month everyone gets 100 percent of the money and you share 50/50 of the recurring payments.
Step Three
Keep motivating them by sending them more material to use to market. For example, share with them content for social media platforms, content for blog posts, content for email messages, content to encourage their audience to sign up and buy. The more you remind them or just tell them with instructions on what to do “today” the more likely they’ll do it.
Step Four
When you start making sales, excite your affiliates by announcing when someone meets a milestone or gets a bonus or prize. A good way to do this (and the other steps) is to start a Facebook Group or other type of forum so that you have a message board that you can talk to your affiliates on, but they can also converse among themselves. This will get them more excited and competitive than doing it through email; however, still send each thing through email to your affiliates list too.
Repeat this every launch. For example, offering your affiliates a 24-hour 100 percent commission opportunity will encourage your affiliates to email their list, place ads, and do more than normal to get that commission. But what it also does is give you brand awareness, boosts engagement, and you’ll still make money because you have a good upsell, a deep and wide funnel, and a plan to follow up that will make it all worth it.