Addressing Pain Points To Get Their Attention

Lead Magnet Challenge

The best lead magnets (and products) find a pain point and then provide a simple solution. The way it works is that you get their attention when you can speak to their pain points and provide easy solutions to solve those pain points. Essentially, your job is to develop solutions that your audience already wants and put it in front of them through your marketing efforts.  As you refine your ideal audience’s persona you will start to discover their pain points. You’ll learn them through conversations with your audience and conversations your audience has with other members of the audience....

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It All Starts With Your Ideal Customer

Lead Magnet Challenge

When you think about the point of creating the lead magnet from your perspective and your audience’s perspective together it makes it easier to create the right lead magnet. Your point is to build your list of targeted members who want what you have to offer, and their point is to find solutions to their problems from trustworthy sources.  No matter which perspective yours or your audience’s it all starts with knowing who your ideal customer is. Ultimately, your ideal customer needs what you’re selling. They already want it and you don’t even have to convince them that they want...

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Why It’s Smart To Monetize Your Lead Magnet

Lead Magnet Challenge

  When you think about making something of value-free it might make you wonder about why do that. But, when you understand that you can also monetize your lead magnet by upselling, cross-selling, and promote products right in the lead magnet then you soon realize that the lead magnet isn’t free at all.  It’s free to the user up front, but a certain percentage of your audience that downloads the lead magnet – assuming you’ve done a good job with targeting – will also click through to look at the products and services you recommend to them via the lead...

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The 3 Jobs Of A Good Lead Magnet

Lead Magnet Challenge

When you create a lead magnet it’s important to understand why you’re creating it. There are three main jobs of a good lead magnet.  Get them on your list  Start a conversation and build trust  Make money  But, that is from your perspective. From their perspective, you need to provide something of value that solves a problem. So, assuming you create a lead magnet that does this, you will convince people to get on your list. But that’s just the beginning. Once you get people on your list you need to start a conversation to build trust, then as you’re...

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Welcome And The Money Is In The List

Lead Magnet Challenge

You may run into people who claim that email marketing is dead. But the truth is that it’s not dead. Email marketing generates about 40 times the investment when you do it right. Plus, those who have built good email lists report that they get over half their website traffic from their email marketing efforts.  That’s just one small reason it’s important to invest in email marketing. But there are a lot of other reasons too: You own your list – When you build an audience on social media you don’t own that audience at all. But when you build...

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